
Wicca is a modern pagan religion. Scholars of religion categorise it as both a new religious movement and as part of the occultist stream of Western esotericism.

Wicca. Book of Spells and Witchcraft for Beginners: The Guide of Shadows for Wiccans, Solitary by Arin Chamberlains

Wicca Elemental Magic. A Guide to the Elements, Witchcraft, and Magic Spells by Lisa Chamberlain

Wicca for Beginners by Lisa Chamberlain

Wicca herbal magic. A beginner's guide to practicing wicca herbal magic, with simple herb spells

Wicca Kitchen Witchery. A beginner's Guide to Magical Cooking, With Simple Spells by Lisa Chamberlain

Wicca Magical Deities by Lisa Chamberlain

Witch, Warlock, and Magician. Historical Sketches of Magic and Witchcraft in England and Scotland by Davenport Adams W. H.