Angels & Demons.


A Dictionary of Angels, including the fallen angels by Gustav Davidson

Angel Magic. The Ancient Art of Summoning and Communicating with Angelic Beings by Geoffrey James

Angelology Satanology And Demonology

The 72 angels of the name - calling on the 72 angels of God by Kadmon Baal

The Angelical Language, Volume I. The Complete History and Mythos of the Tongue of Angels by Aaron Leitch

The Angelical Language, Volume II. An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the Tongue of Angels by Aaron Leitch

The representation of angels and angelic orders from the late miggle ages


A Biblical View of Demonology by James A. Laine

A critical analysis of Byang Kato's Demonology

A collection of rare and curious tracts on witchcraft and the second sight; with an original essay on witchcraft by Webster David of Edinburgh (1820)

A Field Guide to Demons, Fairies, Fallen Angels and Other Subversive Spirits by Carol K. Mack, Dinah Mack

A History of Witchcraft in England from 1558 to 1718 by Wallace Notestein (1911)

Azazel. Steal Fire from the Gods

Book of the Witch Moon. Chaos, Vampiric & Luciferian Sorcery, The Choronzon Edition by Michael W. Ford

British goblins : Welsh folk-lore, fairy mythology, legends and traditions by Sikes Wirt (1881)

Christian Demonology and Popular Mythology (Demons, Spirits and Witches) by Gabor Klaniczay & Eva Pocs

Daemonologie by James I, King of England, 1566-1625  (1924)

Dark Mirrors. Azazel and Satanael in Early Jewish Demonology by Andrei A. Orlov

Deliverance and Demonology

Demonolatry by Nicolas Remy (1595)

Demonology and devil-lore by Conway Moncure Daniel

Demonology and witchcraft by Robert Brown (1889)

Demonology Guide

Demonology by Kenneth E Hagin

Demonology, Ritual Principles and Worship Grimoires

Discoverie of Witchcraft by Reginald Scot, 1584 (1886)

Elizabethan Demonology by Thomas Alfred Spalding (1880)

England's First Demonologist. Reginald Scot and "The Discoverie of Witchcraft" by Philip C. Almond

Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil by Joseph B. Lumpkin

History Of Witchcraft And Demonology by Montague Summers (1926)

Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft by Walter Scott (1830)

Satanism and demonology by Fanthorpe Patricia, R. Lionel

Sources of medieval Demonology by Diana Lynn Walzel

Studies in Angelology, Satanology and Demonology

The demonologist. The extraordinary career of Ed and Lorraine Warren

The Demonology of King James I, Includes the Original Text of Daemonologie and News from Scotland by Donald Tyson

The Demonology of William of Auvergne by Thomas Benjamin de Mayo

This dissertation examines the demonology of William of Auvergne, to determine why and how he constructed his theories out of contemporary lore about demons and other spirits. William was a master of theology in the University of Paris and bishop of Paris from 1228 until his death in 1249, a position in which he served as a major advisor to the young Louis IX. With his demonology he sought to impose an order he considered doctrinally acceptable onto the turbulence of early thirteenth-century France.

The Devil in the Details. Popular Demonology, Addiction and Criminology

The Dictionary of Demons. Names of the Damned by Michelle Belanger

The Encyclopedia Of Demons And Demonology

The Lure of the Dark Side. Satan and Western Demonology in Popular Culture

Witchcraft, Mythologies and Persecutions

Witchcraft and Demonology in Hungary and Transylvania by Gábor Klaniczay, Éva Pócs (eds.)

Witchcraft and Demonology in South-West England, 1640–1789 by Jonathan Barry

Whispering Woods. Basic Demonology course

Fallen Bodies. Pollution, Sexuality, and Demonology in the Middle Ages by Dyan Elliott


The Encyclopedia Of Demons And Demonology by Rosemary Ellen Guiley

A Field Guide to Demons, Fairies, Fallen Angels and Other Subversive Spirits by Carol K. Mack, Dinah Mack

Demonology, Ritual Principles and Worship Grimoires

Devils, Demons and Witchcraft by Ernst Lehner, Johanna Lehner

Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible

Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities by Charles Russell Coulter, Patricia Turner

Fallen Angels, the Watchers, and the Origins of Evil by Joseph B. Lumpkin

Old World Witchcraft by Grimassi Raven

The Lure of the Dark Side. Satan and Western Demonology in Popular Culture by Christopher H. Partridge

The Modern Guide to Witchcraft. Your Complete Guide to Witches, Covens, and Spells

The Oxford Illustrated History of Witchcraft and Magic by Owen Davies

The Satanic Scriptures by Peter H. Gilmore

Witchcraft and Demonology in Hungary and Transylvania by Gábor Klaniczay, Éva Pócs

Witchcraft and Demonology in South-West England, 1640–1789 by Jonathan Barry

Whispering Woods. Basic Demonology course


Wicca. Book of Spells and Witchcraft for Beginners: The Guide of Shadows for Wiccans, Solitary by Arin Chamberlains

Wicca Elemental Magic. A Guide to the Elements, Witchcraft, and Magic Spells by Lisa Chamberlain

Wicca for Beginners by Lisa Chamberlain

Wicca herbal magic. A beginner's guide to practicing wicca herbal magic, with simple herb spells

Wicca Kitchen Witchery. A beginner's Guide to Magical Cooking, With Simple Spells by Lisa Chamberlain

Wicca Magical Deities by Lisa Chamberlain

Witch, Warlock, and Magician. Historical Sketches of Magic and Witchcraft in England and Scotland by Davenport Adams W. H.