
A history of pirates by Nigel Cawthorne

A pirate of exquisite mind by Diana & Michael Preston

Black Flags, Blue Waters: The Epic History of America's Most Notorious Pirates by Eric Jay Dolin

Outlaws of the Atlantic. Sailors, Pirates, and Motley Crews in the Age of Sail by Marcus Rediker

Pirates. A New History, from Vikings to Somali Raiders by Peter Lehr

Pirates: The Complete History from 1300 BC to the Present Day by Konstam Angus

Pirates: The Golden Age of Piracy: A History From Beginning to End by Hourly History

Pirates of Barbary: Corsairs, Conquests and Captivity in the Seventeenth-Century Mediterranean by Tinniswood Adrian

Pirates and Privateers: The History of Piracy from Ancient Times to Today by  Charles River Editors

Piracy in the Early Modern Era: An Anthology of Sources by Kris Lane (Editor), Arne Bialuschewski (Editor)

The Barbary Pirates 15th-17th Centuries by Angus Konstam

The History Of Piracy by  Philip Gosse

The Pirates' Pact: The Secret Alliances Between History's Most Notorious Buccaneers and Colonial by Douglas R. Burgess Jr.

The Politics of Piracy: Crime and Civil Disobedience in Colonial America by  Douglas R. Burgess

Piracy: The Complete History (General Military) by Angus Konstam

Long Island and the Sea: A Maritime History by Bill Bleyer and Billy Joel

Enemy of All Mankind: A True Story of Piracy, Power, and History's First Global Manhunt by Steven Johnson

The Golden Age of Piracy: The Rise, Fall, and Enduring Popularity of Pirates by  David Head

The Sea and Civilization: A Maritime History of the World by Lincoln Paine

A Short History of Seafaring by Brian Lavery

Oceanic Histories (Cambridge Oceanic Histories) by David Armitage, Alison Bashford

Piracy and Law in the Ottoman Mediterranean by Joshua M. White

Pirate Nests and the Rise of the British Empire, 1570-1740 by Mark G. Hanna

Books by David Cordingly

Billy Ruffian. The Bellerophon and the Downfall of Napoleon - The Biography of a Ship of the Line, 1782-1836 by David Cordingly

Cochrane. The Real Master and Commander by David Cordingly

Cochrane the Dauntless. The Life and Adventures of Thomas Cochrane 1775 - 1860 by David Cordingly

Pirate Hunter of the Caribbean. The Adventurous Life of Captain Woodes Rogers by David Cordingly

Spanish Gold. Captain Woodes Rogers and the Pirates of the Caribbean by David Cordingly


A man most driven Captain John Smith, Pocahontas and the founding of America (Firstbook Peter)

Buccaneers of the Caribbean. How Piracy Forged An Empire by Jon Latimer

Empire of Blue Water. Captain Morgan's Great Pirate Army, the Epic Battle for the Americas, and the Catastrophe That Ended the Oulaws' Bloody Reign by Stephan Talty

How History's Greatest Pirates Pillaged, Plundered, and Got Away with It (Benerson Little)

Pirates. Fact & Fiction by David Cordingly John Falconer

Pirates of Barbary Corsairs, Conquests and Captivity in the Seventeenth-Century Mediterranean (Tinniswood Adrian)

Pirates The Complete History from 1300 BC to the Present Day (Konstam Angus)

Pirates. A History (Travers Tim)

Raiders & Rebels, History of the Golden Age of Piracy (Frank Sherry)

The End of Barbary Terror. America's 1815 War against the Pirates of North Africa by Frederick C. Leiner

The Golden Age of Piracy. The Truth Behind Pirate Myths by Benerson Little

The Pirates' Pact The Secret Alliances Between History's Most Notorious Buccaneers and Colonial (Douglas R. Burgess Jr.)

The Republic of Pirates. Being the True and Surprising Story of the Caribbean Pirates and the Man Who Brought Them Down (Colin Woodard)

The Sea Rover's Practice. Pirate Tactics and Techniques, 1630-1730 (Benerson Little)

The World Atlas of Pirates by Angus Konstam

Villains of All Nations. Atlantic Pirates in the Golden Age by Marcus Rediker

Under the Black Flag. The Romance and the Reality of Life Among the Pirates by David Cordingly