Books by Robert Freke Gould.

Robert Freke Gould was a soldier, barrister and prominent Freemason and Masonic historian. He wrote a History of Freemasonry (London: Thomas C. Jack, 1883–1887).

The Atholl Lodges by Robert Freke Gould (1879)

The Four Old Lodges, Founders of Modern Freemasonry, and Their Descendants by Robert Freke Gould (1879)

The history of freemasonry 1 by Robert Freke Gould (1882)

The history of freemasonry 2 by Robert Freke Gould (1885)

The history of freemasonry 3 by Robert Freke Gould (1884)

The history of freemasonry 4 by Robert Freke Gould (1885)