Books by Morris Jastrow.
Morris Jastrow Jr. (August 13, 1861 – June 22, 1921) was a Polish-born American orientalist and librarian associated with the University of Pennsylvania.
A Gentle Cynic Being A Translation Of The Book Of Koheleth by Morris Jastrow (1919)
An old Babylonian version of the Gilgamesh epic by Morris Jastrow, Albert Tobias Craig (1920)
Ancient Israel and Persia/Iran by Morris Jastrow
Aspects Of Religious Belief And Practice In Babylonia And Assyria by Morris Jastrow (1911)
Hebrew and Babylonian Traditions by Morris Jastrow (1914)
The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria by Morris Jastrow (1898)
The Study Of Religion by Morris Jastrow (1902)