Books by Moll Herman (1654-1732).
Herman Moll was a London cartographer, engraver, and publisher.
A system of geography; or, A new & accurate description of the earth in all its empires, kingdoms and states. Illustrated with history and topography, and maps of every country by Moll Herman (1701)
New voyages to North-America by Lahontan Louis Armand de Lom d'Arce, baron de, 1666-1715?; Moll Herman (1703)
New voyages to North-America : Containing an account of the several nations of that vast continent : their customs, commerce, and way of navigation upon the lakes and rivers : the several attempts of the English and French to dispossess one another : with the reasons of the miscarriage of the former : and the various adventures between the French, and the Iroquese confederates of England, from 1683 to 1694. A geographical description of Canada, and a natural history of the country, with remarks upon their government, and the interest of the English and French in their commerce. Also a dialogue between the author and a general of the savages, giving a full view of the religion and strange opinions of those people : with an account of the author's retreat to Portugal and Denmark and his remarks on those courts. To which is added, a dictionary of the Algonkine language, which is generally spoke in North-America : illustrated with twenty three mapps and cutts by Moll Herman (1703)
The British empire in America, containing the history of the discovery, settlement, progress and present state of all the British colonies on the continent and islands of America. With curious maps done from the newest surveys by Oldmixon John 1673-1742, Moll Herman (1708)
Atlas manuale, or, A new sett of maps of all the parts of the earth by Moll Herman (1709)
Atlas manuale, or, A new sett of maps of all the parts of the earth, as well Asia, Africa and America, as Europe [microform] : wherein geography is rectify'd by reforming the old maps according to the modern observations ; and the coasts of all countries are laid down, agreeable to Mr. Edmund Hallex's own map : which is not done in any before extant : this being the first whole sett of maps that agrees with the observations and corrections that have been made by the astronomers and travellers of this age : the maps are fairly engraven on copper; and the scale is large enough to shew, not only the province but also all considerable cities, and the towns too of chiefest note by Moll Herman (1709)
A view of the coasts, countries and islands within the limits of the South-Sea-Company by Moll Herman (1711)
A view of the coasts, countries and islands within the limits of the South-Sea-Company. Containing an account of the discoveries, settlements, progress and present state; together with the bays, ports, harbours, rivers, &c. The various winds and soundings; the product, people, manufactures, trade and riches of the several places: viz. From the river Aranoca to Terra del Fuego, and from thence through the South Sea to the farthest bounds of the late act of Parliament. To which is added, an account of former projects in England for a settlement, and the accomplishment of the last in the establishing the new company; witha list of the commissioners names appointed by Her Majesty to take the subscriptions. As also some useful oservations [!] on the several voyages that have been hitherto publish'd by Moll Herman (1711)
Thirty two new and accurate maps of the geography of the ancients by Moll Herman (1721)
Thirty two new and accurate maps of the geography of the ancients, as contained in the Greek and Latin classicks [cartographic material] : wherein the several empires, kingdoms and provinces, the chief cities, towns, rivers and mountains mention'd in Herodotus, Homer, Justin, Virgil, Ovid, Florus, Nepos, C©Œsar, Livy, Lucan, Plutarch, and many other ancient authors are represented by Moll Herman (1721)
The Compleat geographer by Moll Herman (1723)
The Compleat geographer: or, The chorography and topography of all the known parts of the earth. To which is premis'd an introduction to geography, and a natural history of the earth and the elements by Moll Herman (1723)
Atlas manuale: or, a new sett of maps of all parts of the earth by Moll Herman (1723)
Atlas manuale: or, a new sett of maps of all parts of the earth, as well Asia, Africa, and America, as Europe ; wherein geography is rectify'd, by reforming the old maps according to the modern observations ; and the coasts of all the countries are laid down, agreeable to Mr. Edmund Halley's own map ; which is not done in any before extant ; this being the first whole sett of maps that agrees with the observations and corrections that have been made by the astronomers and travellers of this age by Moll Herman (1723)
Atlas minor [cartographic material] : or a new and curious set of sixty-two maps, in which are shewn all the empires, kingdoms, countries, states, in all the known parts of the earth; with their bounds, divisions, chief cities & towns, the whole composed & laid down agreable to modern history by Moll Herman (1736)