Books by Daniel Garrison Brinton.
Daniel Garrison Brinton was an American surgeon, historian, archaeologist and ethnologist.
A study of the manuscript Troano by Daniel Garrison Brinton, Thomas Cyrus (1882)
American Hero-Myths by Daniel Garrison Brinton (1882)
An ethnologist's view of history by Daniel Garrison Brinton (1896)
Giordano Bruno: philosopher and martyr by Daniel Garrison Brinton (1890)
Nagualism. A study in native American folk-lore and history by Daniel Garrison Brinton (1894)
Primary geography by Daniel Garrison Brinton (1870)
Races and peoples; lectures on the science of ethnography by Daniel Garrison Brinton (1901)
The American race by Daniel Garrison Brinton (1891)
The Myths of the New World by Daniel Garrison Brinton (1868)
Library of aboriginal American literature:
Vol. 2. - Iroquois Book of Rites
Vol. 3. - The Gueguence, a comedy ballet in the Nahuatl-Spanish dialect of Nicaragua
Vol. 4. - A migration legend of the Greek Indians
Vol. 5. - The Lenape and their legends, with text and symbols of the Walam Olim
Vol. 6. - Annals of the Cakchiquels
Vol. 7. - Ancient Nahuatl poetry
Vol. 8. - Rig Veda Americanus, sacred songs of the ancient Mexicans