Books by Bauval Robert.

Black Genesis : The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt by Thomas Brophy, Robert Bauval

Presents proof that an advanced black African civilization inhabited the Sahara long before Pharaonic Egypt - Reveals black Africa to be at the genesis of ancient civilization and the human story - Examines extensive studies into the lost civilization of the "Star People" by renowned anthropologists, archaeologists, genetic scientists, and cultural historians as well as the authors' archaeoastronomy and hieroglyphics research - Deciphers the history behind the mysterious Nabta Playa ceremonial area and its stone calendar circle and megaliths Relegated to the realm of archaeological heresy, despite a wealth of hard scientific evidence, the theory that an advanced civilization of black Africans settled in the Sahara long before Pharaonic Egypt existed has been dismissed and even condemned by conventional Egyptologists, archaeologists, and the Egyptian government. Uncovering compelling new evidence, Egyptologist Robert Bauval and astrophysicist Thomas Brophy present the anthropological, climatological, archaeological, geological, and genetic research supporting this hugely debated theory of the black African origin of Egyptian civilization. Building upon extensive studies from the past four decades and their own archaeoastronomical and hieroglyphic research, the authors show how the early black culture known as the Cattle People not only domesticated cattle but also had a sophisticated grasp of astronomy; created plentiful rock art at Gilf Kebir and Gebel Uwainat; had trade routes to the Mediterranean coast, central Africa, and the Sinai; held spiritual and occult ceremonies; and constructed a stone calendar circle and megaliths at the ceremonial site of Nabta Playa reminiscent of Stonehenge, yet much older. Revealing these "Star People" as the true founders of ancient Egyptian civilization, this book completely rewrites the history of world civilization, placing black Africa back in its rightful place at the center of mankind's origins.

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Breaking the Mirror of Heaven: The Conspiracy to Suppress the Voice of Ancient Egypt by Robert Bauval, Ahmed Osman

Called the "Mirror of Heaven" by Hermes-Thoth and regarded as the birthplace of civilization, science, religion, and magic, Egypt has ignited the imagination of all who come in contact with it since ancient times--from Pythagoras and Plato to Alexander the Great and Napoleon to modern Egyptologists the world over. Yet, despite this preeminence in the collective mind, Egypt has suffered considerable destruction over the centuries. Even before the burning of the Great Library at Alexandria, the land of the pharaohs was pillaged by its own people. With the arrival of foreign rulers, both Arabic and European, the destruction and thievery continued along with suppression of ancient knowledge as some rulers sought to cleanse Egypt of its "pagan" past. Exploring the many cycles of destruction and suppression in Egypt as well as moments of salvation, such as the first registered excavations by Auguste Mariette, Robert Bauval and Ahmed Osman investigate the many conquerors of Egypt through the millennia as well as what has happened to famous artifacts such as the Rosetta Stone. They show how Napoleon, through his invasion, wanted to revive ancient Egyptian wisdom and art because of its many connections to Freemasonry. They reveal how the degradation of monuments, theft of relics, and censorship of ancient teachings continue to this day. Exposing recent cover-ups during the tenure of Antiquities Minister Zahi Hawass, they explain how new discoveries at Giza were closed to further research. Clearing cultural and historical distortions, the authors reveal the long-hidden and persecuted voice of ancient Egypt and call for the return of Egypt to its rightful place as "the Mother of Nations" and "the Mirror of Heaven."

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Cosmic Womb: The Seeding of Planet Earth by Robert Bauval, Chandra Wickramasinghe

Compelling evidence that life, intelligence, and evolution on Earth were seeded by comets and cosmic intelligence * Explains how life first came from interstellar dust and comets and how later arrivals of cosmic dust and comets spurred evolution * Explores the possibility that universal knowledge may be stored in human DNA and how ancient cultures may have known a way to retrieve this knowledge All ancient cultures link humanity's origins to the heavens. The Egyptians, for example, were adamant that their ancestors came from the stars of Orion and Sirius. Today, however, religion and science assert that life arose spontaneously here on Earth. Did the ancients know our true cosmic origins? Have they left us clues? Expanding on the panspermia theory developed with the celebrated astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle--namely that the building blocks of life were imported to Earth by comets in the distant past--Chandra Wickramasinghe and Robert Bauval explore the latest findings in support of a cosmic origin for humanity. They detail the astrobiological discoveries of organic molecules deep in space, how microbes are incredibly resistant to the harshest conditions of space--enabling the transfer of genes from one star system to another, and the recent recovery of microorganisms from comets still in space. They show how life arrived on our planet in the form of interstellar dust containing alien bacteria approximately 3.8 billion years ago and how later comets, meteoroids, and asteroids brought new bacterial and viral genetic material, which was vital for evolution. Using the latest advances in physics, cosmology, and neuroscience, the authors explore how universal knowledge may be stored in human DNA and cells, and they postulate that ancient cultures, such as the pyramid builders of Egypt and the temple builders of India, may have known a way to retrieve this knowledge.

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Imhotep the African: Architect of the Cosmos by Robert Bauval, Thomas Brophy

In this groundbreaking book, Egyptologist Robert Bauval and astrophysicist Thomas Brophy uncover the mystery of Imhotep, an ancient Egyptian superstar, pharaonic Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Galileo, and Newton all rolled into one. Based on their research at the Step Pyramid Complex at Saqqara, Bauval and Brophy delve into observational astronomy to "decode" the alignments and other design features of the Step Pyramid Complex, to uncover the true origins and genius of Imhotep. Like a whodunit detective story they follow the clues that take them on an exhilarating magical mystery tour starting at Saqqara, leading them to temples in Upper Egypt and to the stones of Nabta Playa and the black African stargazers who placed them there. Imhotep the African describes how Imhotep was the ancient link to the birth of modern civilization, restoring him to his proper place at the center of the birthing of Egyptian, and world, civilization.

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Origins of the Sphinx: Celestial Guardian of Pre-Pharaonic Civilization by Robert Bauval, Robert M. Schoch

In this provocative collaboration from two Egyptology outsiders, Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D., and Robert Bauval combine their decades of research to show how the Sphinx is thousands of years older than the conventional Egyptological timeline and was built by a long forgotten pre-Pharaonic civilization. They examine the known history of the Sphinx, contrasting what Egyptologists claim with prominent historical accounts and new research, including updates to Schoch's geological water weathering research and reanalysis of seismic studies. Building on Bauval's Orion Correlation Theory, they investigate the archaeoastronomical alignments of the monuments of the Giza Plateau and reveal how the pyramids and Sphinx were built to align with the constellations of Orion and Leo. Analyzing the evidence for a significantly older construction phase at Giza and the restoration and recarving of the Sphinx during the Old Kingdom era, they assert that the Sphinx was first built by an advanced pre-Pharaonic civilization that existed circa 12,000 years ago on the Giza Plateau, contemporaneous with the sophisticated G?bekli Tepe complex.

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Talisman: Sacred Cities, Secret Faith by Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval

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The Egypt Code

The Orion Mystery, published in 1994, introduced the world to a highly original, and now internationally famous, star-correlation theory about the Giza Pyramids in Egypt. It sent a huge shock-wave of controversy throughout the scientific community, the effects of which are still felt today. "The Egypt Code" develops this pyramid-stars correlation, challenging the long held assumption by many Egyptologists that the pyramids were tombs principally meant to house the bodies of dead kings. In addition to this theory, Robert Bauval also reveals an amazing 'Grand Unified Plan', which involves the wonderful temple of Upper Egypt. "The Egypt Code" is unlike any other book before it and covers the whole of Egypt's ancient civilisation in a manner never before attempted. Much has been written as to 'how' the Egyptians might have aligned their monuments with such high precision, but the question that has always remained unanswered is 'why?'- why did the ancients put so much emphasis on astronomical alignments? And what could be the function, practical or symbolic, behind these mysterious alignments?

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The Orion Mystery

This investigation of the purpose of the Great Pyramid at Giza and similar monuments of the Ancient Egyptian Fourth Dynasty takes a new look at previously overlooked aspects of the civilization that built them, and comes to conclusions about the symbolism of the pyramids and the meaning of dramatic discoveries made recently at Giza.

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The Message of the Sphinx : A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind by Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval

For thousands of years the Great Sphinx of Egypt has gazed towards the east, reading a message in the stars that mankind has long forgotten. This work considers geological and archaeo-astronomical evidence that suggests that the Sphinx may be a great deal older than Egyptologists believe. It has also become clear that the three enormous pyramids of the Giza plateau, half a mile to the west of the Sphinx, are not the tombs of megalomaniac Pharaohs but a precise map of the stars of Orion's Belt.

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The Pyramids: Star Chambers by Robert Bauval

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The Secret Chamber: The Quest for the Hall of Records by Robert Bauval

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Secret Chamber Revisited: The Quest for the Lost Knowledge of Ancient Egypt by Robert Bauval

Discusses events that have taken place in the last thirty years at the archaeological sites of the Great Pyramid and Great Sphinx, which may indicate that Egyptian officials are hiding secret records which provide evidence of an ancient lost civilization.

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The Soul of Ancient Egypt : Restoring the Spiritual Engine of the World by Ahmed Osman, Robert Bauval

An examination of the cultural occupations of Egypt over the past two millennia and how we can return to the sacred harmony of ancient Egypt - Explores the golden civilization of ancient Egypt and its system of natural magic that birthed the Western Mystery tradition - Examines each phase of Egyptian history from the Pharaonic period, through the Roman conquest, to the ongoing Islamization - Provides a revised portrait of the life of Muhammad, revealing his connections to the Essene tradition Imagine the paradise of ancient Egypt: a lush green valley with a gentle river, full of animals and birds of all sizes. The first settlers, arriving by way of the desert, would have marveled at this beautiful landscape. This awe held on through the first three millennia of settlement in Egypt. Centered on careful observations of the natural rhythms of their environment, particularly the Nile, this enlightened civilization lived in a state of spiritual balance and harmony they called "living in Maat ." This state was further enhanced by the sacred landscape of Egypt and the colossal monuments and pyramids the Egyptians built to reflect the heavens, thus creating a cosmic "spiritual engine" for the ancient world. But sadly, the paradise and Maat of ancient Egypt were not to last, and for the past two thousand years Egypt has experienced many occupations by hostile forces bent on taking control of this magical land. Exploring the exemplary social and cultural model that produced the golden civilization of ancient Egypt as well as the many waves of conquest and destruction up to the present day, Robert Bauval and Ahmed Osman examine each phase of Egyptian history from its origins and the Pharaonic period, through the Roman conquest and its Christianization, to the Pan-Arabization of Nasser and the ongoing Islamization that began with the Muslim caliphate in the 7th century. They show how the current Islamic rulers are actively working to eradicate all traces of Egypt's spiritual roots, the source of the Western Mystery tradition. They provide a revised portrait of the life of Muhammad, revealing his connections to the Essene tradition, and explain how most Sharia Law is not based on the Koran. Revealing how even the dams built on the Nile are impeding Egypt's sacred role, the authors sound the call for a return to the original tenets of Egyptian civilization, one that sustained itself in harmony and peaceful creativity for more than three millennia.

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The Vatican Heresy : Bernini and the Building of the Hermetic Temple of the Sun by Robert Bauval, Chiara Hohenzollern

Reveals how the largest Sun Temple in the world, built according to Hermetic principles, is located at one of Christianity's holiest sites: the Vatican - Shows how famous Renaissance philosophers and scientists called for a Hermetic reformation of Christianity by building a magical Temple of the Sun in Rome - Explains how the Vatican architect Bernini designed St. Peter's Square to reflect heliocentric and Hermetic principles - Reveals how the design was masterminded by Bernini, Jesuit scholars, the mystical Queen Christine of Sweden, and several popes In 16th century Italy, in the midst of the Renaissance, two powerful movements took hold. The first, the Hermetic Movement, was inspired by an ancient set of books housed in the library of Cosimo de' Medici and written by the Egyptian sage Hermes Trismegistus. The movement expounded the return of the "true religion of the world" based on a form of natural magic that could draw down the powers of the heavens and incorporate them into statues and physical structures. The other movement, the Heliocentric Movement launched by Copernicus, was a direct challenge to the Vatican's biblical interpretation of a geocentric world system. Declared a heresy by the Pope, those who promoted it risked the full force of the Inquisition. Exploring the meeting point of these two movements, authors Robert Bauval and Chiara Hohenzollern reveal how the most outspoken and famous philosophers, alchemists, and scientists of the Renaissance, such as Giordano Bruno and Marsilio Ficino, called for a Hermetic reformation of the Christian religion by building a magical utopic city, an architectural version of the heliocentric system. Using contemporary documents and the latest cutting-edge theses, the authors show that this Temple of the Sun was built in Rome, directly in front of the Vatican's Basilica of St. Peter. They explain how the Vatican architect Bernini designed St. Peter's Square to reflect the esoteric principles of the Hermetica and how the square is a detailed representation of the heliocentric system. Revealing the magical architectural plan masterminded by the Renaissance's greatest minds, including Bernini, Jesuit scholars, Queen Christine of Sweden, and several popes, the authors expose the ultimate heresy of all time blessed by the Vatican itself.

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