Ancient Egypt.

A Brief History of Cleopatra. Empress of Egypt

A companion to ancient Egypt by Alan B. Lloyd

A History of Ancient Egypt by Marc Van De Mieroop

Akhenaten: The Heretic King by Donald B. Redford

Aliens in Ancient Egypt. The Brotherhood of the Serpent and the Secrets of the Nile Civilization by Xaviant Haze

Amarna Sunset: Nefertiti, Tutankhamun, Ay, Horemheb, and the Egyptian Counter-Reformation by Aidan Dodson

Ancient Egypt. Facts at Your Fingertips by Dorling Kindersley

Ancient Egypt. From Prehistory to the Islamic Conquest by Kathleen Kuiper (Editor)

Ancient Egypt. The Light of the World

Ancient Egypt: myth and history

Ancient Egyptian autobiographies chiefly of the Middle Kingdom: A study and an anthology by Miriam Lichtheim

Ancient Perspectives on Egypt by Roger Matthews

Art of Ancient Egypt. A Resource for Educators

Chronicle of the Pharaohs. The Reign-By-Reign Record of the Rulers and Dynasties of Ancient Egypt by Peter A. Clayton

Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in ancient times by Donald B. Redford

Egyptology. The Missing Millennium. Ancient Egypt in Medieval Arabic Writings by Okasha El Daly

Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt by Bunson Margaret

Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt

Exploring Religion in Ancient Egypt by Stephen Quirke

Historical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier

Illustrated History of Ancient Egypt and the Near East

Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt. Advanced Engineering in the Temples of the Pharaohs by Christopher Dunn

Mysteries of Egyptian Zodiacs and Other Riddles of Ancient History by A.T. Fomenko, T.N. Fomenko

Pharaoh's land and beyond. Ancient Egypt and its neighbors by Creasman Pearce Paul

Popular Stories of Ancient Egypt by Gaston Maspero

Sacred Magic Of Ancient Egypt. The Spiritual Practice Restored by Rosemary Clark

Son of God, Son of the Sun: The Life and Philosophy of Akhenaten, King of Egypt by Savitri Devi

The Akhenaten Colossi of Karnak

The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead. Prayers, Incantations, and Other Texts from the Book of the Dead by E.A. Wallis Budge

The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt by Richard H. Wilkinson

The Kybalion. A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece by The Three Initiates

The Literature of Ancient Egypt. An Anthology of Stories, Instructions, Stelae, Autobiographies, and Poetry

The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt by Ian Shaw (editor)

The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt by Toby Wilkinson

The Sacred Tradition in Ancient Egypt The Esoteric Wisdom Revealed by Rosemary Clark

The Secret of the Great Pyramid. How One Man's Obsession Led to the Solution of Ancient Egypt's Greatest Mystery by Bob Brier, Jean-pierre Houdin

The story of ancient Egypt by Rawlinson George (1897)

The temple in man, the secrets of ancient Egypt by R A Schwaller de Lubicz

The Unknown Tutankhamun

Views of Ancient Egypt Since Napolean Bonaparte by David Jeffreys

Books by Alexandre Moret

Kings and Gods of Egypt by Alexandre Moret

The Nile And Egyptian Civilisation by Alexandre Moret

Books by Francis Llewellyn Griffith

A Collection of Hieroglyphs. A Contribution to the History of Egyptian Writingby Francis Llewellyn Griffith (1898)

Karanòg. The Meroitic Inscriptions of Shablûl and Karanògby by Francis Llewellyn Griffith (1911)

The Inscriptions of Siût and Dêr Rîfeh by Francis Llewellyn Griffith (1899)